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🩳 Short-keys

Mercury has various shortkeys that help you navigate the editor more quickly during live performances, both in the Mercury4Max as in the MercuryPlayground versions.

Known issue

alt + / for non UK/US keyboards can be an issue, because the / is not a unique key but above the 7 so you need to use shift. This is fixed in the browser editor, but still has issues in Flok.

External Editor

When you use an external editor like Pulsar the Overall Shortkeys apply, but all other shortkeys for navigating and editting are based on the preferences of that editor.

If you encounter any other issues please file a report via the steps in Troubleshooting.

Overall Shortkeys

Alt/Ctrl EnterEvaluate code
Alt/Ctrl .Silence the sound
Alt/Ctrl /(Un)Comment a line or multiple lines of code

Shortkeys in Mercury4Max


At the moment shortkeys are defaulted for Mac platforms, for Windows you can adjust them via the Settings.

Editor Navigation

Arrow LeftMove left one character
Arrow DownGo down one line
Arrow RightMove right by one character
Arrow UpGo up one line
Alt AMove left one character
Alt SGo down one line
Alt DMove right one character
Alt WGo up one line
Alt Arrow UpJump to the top of editor (end of the line)
Alt Arrow DownJump to the end of editor (end of the line)
Alt Arrow LeftJump to the beginning of the line
Alt Arrow RightJump to the end of the line
Alt ,Disable/enable the editor

Editor Editing

Copy/Paste/Paste-Replace/Delete only works inside the editor. In order to input or output code to a different application you have to save the file as a .txt or open a .txt file from disk.

Alt + XDelete the line where the cursor is located
Alt + CCopy the line where the cursor is located
Alt + VPaste insert a line of code where the cursor is located
Alt + PPaste replace a line where the cursor is located

Customize Shortkeys

You can customize the shortkeys by opening the Setup Shortkeys under Settings in the menubar. You can also reset to the default key commands.

  1. Select the key you would like to customize in the dropdown menu on the top.
  2. Click change keycommand, it now displays waiting for keys....
  3. Hit the key combination you would like to use for this command and release the keys to store.
  4. Check if stored correctly in the scroll-menu below. Every command displays the shortcut and keycode.

Shortkeys in MercuryPlayground

(Shift) TabMove left/right through menu items
Alt (Shift) TabMove out of editor to menu
EnterSelect menu item
Arrow Up / Arrow DownGo up/down through tutorials/sounds menu

The following shortkeys only work when focused on the code editor. You can find these shortkeys also by keeping the mouse over the button for a short period until the tooltip appears.

Ctrl/Alt Shift EEmpty editor
Ctrl/Alt Shift XLoad random example
Ctrl/Alt Shift SDownload code as text
Ctrl/Alt Shift RStart/stop recording sound
Ctrl/Alt Shift DToggle dark/light display mode
Ctrl/Alt Shift POpen help
Ctrl/Alt Shift COpen to collaborate
Ctrl/Alt Shift AAdd sounds
Ctrl/Alt Shift ZToggle zen mode (hiding the menu)
Ctrl/Alt Shift HShow/hide editor

Editor Navigation

Arrow LeftMove left one character
Arrow DownGo down one line
Arrow RightMove right by one character
Arrow UpGo up one line
Ctrl PMove up one line
Ctrl NMove down one line
Ctrl FMove forward one character to the right
Ctrl BMove back one character to the left
Ctrl AJump to the beginning of the line
Ctrl VJump to last character in the code
Cmd Arrow DownJump to end of the code
Cmd Arrow UpJump to beginning of the code

Editor Editing

Cmd CCopy the selected code or if nothing selected copy the entire line
Cmd VPaste whatever is currently in the clipboard
Cmd ZUndo editing of the code
Cmd Shift ZRedo editing of the code
Alt RightJump a word to the right
Alt LeftJump a word to the left
Ctrl OEnter a new line
Cmd DDelete the entire line
Ctrl DDelete character on the right
Ctrl HBackspace character on the left
Ctrl KDelete everything on right side of the cursor