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📝 Contribute

Contributions to the Mercury environment are very much appreciated in whatever form they come! You can contribute in any of the following ways:

You are also always welcome to reach out if you like to help but don't know where to start.

In order to make changes to various types of source code files you will need the following:

  • JavaScript code - Requires a standard code-editor (like VSCode or Pulsar) to edit/modify/save the JS code.
  • Patchers - Requires a Max8 environment and license to edit/modify/save the patchers.
  • GenExpr Code - Requires a standard code-editor (like VSCode or Pulsar) to edit/modify/save the GenExpr code.


In order to receive your contribution please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository (click fork in the top right)
  2. Clone the repository to your computer git clone<this-is-you>/<forked-repo>.git
  3. Branch the Fork git checkout -b <name-your-branch>
  4. Make any changes/additions to the code or docs
  5. Add, commit and push your changes git add . git commit -a git push origin <your-branch-name>
  6. Go to your forked repo in the browser and click compare & pull request, then create pull request
  7. Please add a comment to clarify what you did and why

All steps with examples and images