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The action keywords are used to start a line of Mercury code with. Only lines starting with these keywords are valid. The keywords are: new, list, set, print and silence.


Create a new instance of an instrument object. For example this can be a sample, synth, loop, polySynth or midi object, followed by the name of the sample, the name of the waveshape to use for the synth, the or the midi device name (See Instrument Functions for more details). Use instrument methods to set parameters for that object on the same line.


  • Instrument -> the instrument type (eg. sample, synth, loop, polySynth, midi, modulator)
    • Source -> selected sample or synth source (based on loaded files)
      • Functions+ -> instrument functions seperated by spaces (optional)
new synth saw shape(20 500)

new sample kick_909 time(1/8)

new midi "AU DLS Synth 1" note(3 1)

By default Mercury has a small library of samples included in the environment. It is possible to include your own sounds as well:


Create a list, which is sometimes called a circular array or ring. This list can contain many types of items such as whole numbers (integers), decimal numbers (floats), names, strings, fractions and other rings (2-dimensional). Use these to change parameters over time for instruments. The list must be declared with a name before it can be used as a variable in an instrument function. Read more about all the algorithmic functions available for generating and transforming lists under List Functions.


  • Name -> list name
    • Values -> one or more values between brackets [ ]
    • Function -> a list-function
list someValues [ 0 1.618 21 3.14 ]

list someSounds [ kick_909 hat_909 snare_909 hat_909 ]

list fromFunction random(20 0 100)

Use clear descriptive variable names for lists to keep your code readable for yourself and for anyone you share it with. For example a list with a rhythm for a hihat can be called hatBeat, and a list with a melodic phrase for a verse could be named verseNotes. Using names that are also functions is not advised (eg. gain, shape, random etc.)


Some variable names are not allowed because they are part of the reserved names for datastructures. These are: bang, int, float, mode, zlclear, zlmaxsize, new, list, set, print.

Deprecated: ring

In earlier versions this was called a ring because it refers to a circular array, however list is more accessible when learning programming.


Use the set action to change global settings in the environment or append instrument-functions for an instance of an instrument via name, group-name or all. The instrument must be declared with a name() or group() before set is called.


  • Name -> parameter or instrument name to set with value or function
    • Value -> value to apply to the setting
    • Function -> instrument-function to apply
set tempo 125

new synth saw name(bass)
set bass time(1/16)

new sample kick_909 group(drums)
new sample snare_909 group(drums)
set drums fx(drive)

set all fx(reverb)

The 4-spaces indent with tab in the example above is not mandatory but can help to keep your code readable


Use the print action to view the content of a list or the result of a list-function. The result is printed in the console window.

list rnd random(12)
list sin spread(10 0 100)

print rnd
print sin


Use silence to disable all sounds. Alternatively you can hit the Alt/Ctrl + . shortkey to disable everything.


In a performance situation this code is usually not desirable to use. Instead use gain(0) to (temporarily) pause instruments or use // to comment instruments and disable them.


Deprecated: killAll

In earlier versions this was named killAll, but: make love, not war ✌️☮️✌️