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🎮 Quick Features Overview

Below is a brief overview of several things you can do with Mercury. But this is of course just scratching the surface!

Quick access to playback of samples and change timing and tempo of samples or synthesizers

set tempo 89

new sample kick_909 time(1/4)
new sample hat_909 time(3/16)

Make rhythmic patterns with sequences of numbers and probabilities

list loBeat [1 0 0 1 0.5]
list hiBeat [0 1 0.2 0]

new sample tabla_lo time(1/8) play(loBeat)
new sample tabla_hi time(1/8) play(hiBeat)

Generate psuedorandom melodic content for a synthesizer in a range and set a scale

set scale minor d
set randomSeed 31415

list melody random(16 0 24)

new synth saw note(melody) time(1/16) shape(4 100)

Design sounds with various effects

new sample chimes time(2) speed(0.25) fx(reverb 0.3 15) fx(drive 10) fx(lfo 1/8 sine)

Easily give multiple instruments the same effects

new sample chimes time(2)
new sample harp_down time(3)
new sample gong_lo time(5)

set all fx(lfo 1/16) fx(delay) fx(reverb 0.5 11)

Sync audio loops to the tempo of your music

set tempo 97

new loop amen time(1)
new sample kick_house time(1/4)

Generate sequences algorithmically by combining list-functions to compose complex structures and choose from an extensive library of algorithms to work with

set scale minor a 

list rhythm euclidean(32 13)

list melody spread(5 0 24)
list melody palinedrome(melody)
list melody clone(melody 0 5 7 3)
list melody lace(melody melody)

new synth triangle note(melody 1) shape(1 80) play(rhythm)

Control external midi devices or applications by sending midi and cc

new midi "Your Awesome Midi Device" time(1/16) note(7 1) name(mDev)
set mDev length(1/16) gain(0.8) chord(off)
set mDev control(10 [20 50 100])

Control other environments via OSC-messages

list params [0.25 0.5 0.75]

new emitter osc address(yourDevice) theParam(params) time(1/4)

// emits => /yourDevice/theParam 0.25
// /yourDevice/theParam 0.5
// /yourDevice/theParam 0.75
// /yourDevice/theParam 0.25
// etc...

Easily control parameters in Mercury via external OSC-messages (only when running MercuryPlayground localhost or Mercury4Max)

new synth triangle fx(reverb '/synth/verb') fx(filter low '/synth/cutoff' 0.4) time(1) shape(1 'synth/length')

Sequence Hyrda visuals with instruments (experimental and MercuryPlayground only)

list hydras ['osc(10,0.1,2).out()' 'osc(20,-0.5,5).out()' 'osc(5,1,12).out()']

new sample kick_min time(1/16) play([1 0 0 1 0]) visual(hydras)