Basic methods that generate arrays of number sequences, such as methods that generate an ascending array of numbers evenly spread between a low and high value.
const Gen = require('total-serialism').Generative;
const { spread, fill } = require('total-serialism').Generative;
- spread / spreadFloat
- spreadInclusive / spreadInclusiveFloat
- spreadExp / spreadExpFloat
- spreadInclusiveExp / spreadInclusiveExpFloat
- fill
- sine / cosine
- sineFloat / cosineFloat
- saw / sawFloat
- square / squareFloat
- binaryBeat
- spacing
spread spreadFloat
Generate an array of n-length of evenly spaced values between a starting number up until (but excluding) the 3th argument. Flipping the low and high range will result in the same values but descending.
Alias: spreadF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if argument is array)
- {Number} -> Low value (optional, default=0)
- {Number} -> High value (exclusive, optional, default=length)
// generate an array of 5 ints between range 0-5
//=> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
// change the range with a second argument to 0-12
Gen.spread(5, 12);
//=> [ 0, 2, 4, 7, 9 ]
// add a low/high range pair with 3-12
Gen.spread(5, 3, 12);
//=> [ 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 ]
// reverse the range for descending output with 12-3
Gen.spread(5, 12, 3);
//=> [ 10, 8, 6, 4, 3 ]
// generate an array of 5 floats between range 0-1
//=> [ 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ]
spreadInclusive spreadInclusiveFloat
Generate an array of n-length of evenly spaced values between a starting number up to (and including) the 3th argument. Flipping the low and high range will result in the same values but descending.
Alias: spreadInc
, spreadIncF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number} -> Low value (optional)
- {Number} -> High value (inclusive, optional)
// generate an array of 5 ints between range 0-5 (5 inclusive)
//=> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 ]
// change the range with a second argument to 0-12
Gen.spreadInclusive(5, 12);
//=> [ 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 ]
// add a low/high range pair with 3-12
Gen.spreadInclusive(5, 3, 12);
//=> [ 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 ]
// reverse the range for descending output with 12-3
Gen.spreadInclusive(5, 12, 3);
//=> [ 12, 9, 7, 5, 3 ]
// generate an array of 5 floats (inclusive)
//=> [ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 ]
spreadExp spreadExpFloat
Similar to spread and spreadFloat but with an optional exponent as 4th argument.
Alias: spreadExpF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number} -> Low value (optional, default=0)
- {Number} -> High value (exclusive, optional, default=length)
- {Number} -> Exponent (optional, default=1)
Gen.spreadExp(10, 0, 10, 2);
//=> [
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
// 2, 3, 4, 6, 8
// ]
spreadInclusiveExp spreadInclusiveExpFloat
Similar to spreadInclusive and spreadInclusiveFloat but with an optional exponent as 4th argument.
Alias: spreadIncExp
, spreadIncExpF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number} -> Low value (optional)
- {Number} -> High value (inclusive, optional)
- {Number} -> Exponent (optional, default=1)
Gen.spreadInclusiveExp(10, 0, 10, 2);
//=> [
// 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
// 3, 4, 6, 7, 10
// ]
Fill an array with values. Arguments are in pairs. Every pair consists of <value, amount>
The value is repeated n-amount of times in the array. Also accepts an array as a single argument containing the pairs.
- {Value} -> value to duplicate
- {Int+} -> amount of duplicates
- … -> repeat n-times
- {Array} -> array containing value/amount pairs
// fill an array with duplicates of a value
Gen.fill(10, 2, 15, 3, 20, 4);
//=> [ 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20 ]
Gen.fill([10, 2, 15, 3, 20, 4]);
//=> [ 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20 ]
sine / cosine
Generate an array with n-periods of a (co)sine function with integer values. Optional last arguments set lo and hi range and phase offset. Default range is 0 to 12. Wave can be inverted by swapping the arguments
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number} -> Periods of (co)sine-wave (optional, default=1)
- {Number} -> Low range of values (optional, default=0)
- {Number} -> High range of values (optional, default=12)
- {Number} -> Phase offset (optional, default=0)
// generate 10 ints with 1 period of a sine function
// between a default range of 0-12
//=> [ 6, 9, 11, 11, 9, 6, 2, 0, 0, 2 ]
// 11.00 ┼ ╭─╮
// 10.00 ┤ │ │
// 9.00 ┤╭╯ ╰╮
// 8.00 ┤│ │
// 7.00 ┤│ │
// 6.00 ┼╯ ╰╮
// 5.00 ┤ │
// 4.00 ┤ │
// 3.00 ┤ │
// 2.00 ┤ ╰╮ ╭
// 1.00 ┤ │ │
// 0.00 ┤ ╰─╯
// generate 10 ints with 4 periods a sine function
Gen.sine(11, 4, 0, 7);
//=> [ 3, 6, 0, 5, 4, 0, 6, 2, 1, 6, 0 ]
// 6.00 ┼╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮
// 5.00 ┤││╭╮ ││ ││
// 4.00 ┤│││╰╮││ ││
// 3.00 ┼╯││ │││ ││
// 2.00 ┤ ││ ││╰╮││
// 1.00 ┤ ││ ││ ╰╯│
// 0.00 ┤ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰
sineFloat / cosineFloat
Generate an array with n-periods of a (co)sine function with floating-point values. Optional last arguments set lo and hi range and phase offset. Default range is -1 to 1. Only setting first range argument sets the low-range to 0. Wave can be inverted by swapping the arguments.
Alias: sineF
, sinF
, cosineF
, cosF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number} -> Periods of (co)sine-wave (optional, default=1)
- {Number} -> Low range of values (optional, default=-1)
- {Number} -> High range of values (optional, default=1)
- {Number} -> Phase offset (optional, default=0)
// generate 16 floats with 1 period of a sine function
//=> [ 0.00, 0.38, 0.71, 0.92, 1.00, 0.92, 0.71, 0.38, 0.00, -0.38,
// -0.71, -0.92, -1.00, -0.92, -0.71, -0.38 ]
// 1.00 ┤ ╭╮
// 0.60 ┤ ╭─╯╰─╮
// 0.20 ┼╭╯ ╰╮
// -0.20 ┼╯ ╰╮
// -0.60 ┤ ╰╮ ╭
// -1.00 ┤ ╰────╯
// generate 16 floats with 1 period of a cosine function
//=> [ 1.00, 0.92, 0.71, 0.38, 0.00, -0.38, -0.71, -0.92, -1.00,
// -0.92, -0.71, -0.38, -0.00, 0.38, 0.71, 0.92 ]
// 1.00 ┼╮
// 0.60 ┤╰─╮ ╭─
// 0.20 ┼ ╰╮ ╭╯
// -0.20 ┤ ╰╮ ╭╯
// -0.60 ┤ ╰╮ ╭╯
// -1.00 ┤ ╰────╯
// frequency modulation of the period argument with another array
Gen.sineFloat(40, Gen.sineFloat(40, 4, 1, 5));
//=> 1.00 ┤ ╭╮ ╭──╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ╭─╮
// 0.80 ┤ │╰╮╭╯ │ ╭╮ ╭╮ ││ ││ ╭╯ │
// 0.60 ┤╭╯ ││ ╰╮││ ││ ││ ││ │ │
// 0.40 ┤│ ╰╯ │││ ││ ││ ││ │ │
// 0.20 ┤│ ││╰╮╭╯│╭╮ ││ ││ │ │╭╮ ╭╮
// 0.00 ┼╯ ││ ││ ││╰╮╭╯│ ╭╮││ │ │││ ╭╯│
// -0.20 ┤ ││ ││ ││ ││ │ ││││ │ │││ │ │
// -0.40 ┤ ││ ││ ││ ││ │ ││││ │ ╰╯╰╮ │ │
// -0.60 ┤ ││ ╰╯ ││ ││ │ ││││ │ │ │ │
// -0.80 ┤ ││ ││ ╰╯ │ │╰╯│ │ ╰─╯ │
// -1.00 ┤ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰─╯ ╰─╯ ╰
saw / sawFloat
Generate an array with n-periods of a saw/phasor function. Optional last arguments set lo and hi range and phase offset. Only setting first range argument sets the low-range to 0
Alias: sawF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number/Array} -> Periods of the wave (option, default=1)
- {Number} -> Low range of values (optional, default=-1)
- {Number} -> High range of values (optional, default=1)
- {Number} -> Phase offset (optional, default=0)
Gen.saw(16, 8.5);
//=> 11.00 ┼ ╭
// 10.00 ┤ ╭╮╭╮│
// 9.00 ┤ ╭╮│││││
// 8.00 ┤ ╭╮│││││││
// 7.00 ┤ ╭╮╭╮│││││││││
// 6.00 ┤╭╮│││││││││││││
// 5.00 ┤│││││││││││││╰╯
// 4.00 ┤│││││││││││╰╯
// 3.00 ┤│││││││╰╯╰╯
// 2.00 ┤│││││╰╯
// 1.00 ┤│││╰╯
// 0.00 ┼╯╰╯
Gen.sawFloat(25, 2.5);
//=> 0.80 ┤ ╭─╮ ╭─╮
// 0.44 ┤ ╭─╯ │ ╭─╯ │
// 0.08 ┤ ╭╯ │ ╭╯ │
// -0.28 ┼ ╭─╯ │ ╭─╯ │ ╭─
// -0.64 ┤╭─╯ │╭─╯ │╭─╯
// -1.00 ┼╯ ╰╯ ╰╯
// Modulation on frequency
Gen.saw(34, Gen.sinF(30, 2, 0, 100), 0, 12);
//=> 11.00 ┼ ╭╮ ╭╮╭╮
// 10.00 ┤ ││╭─╮ ╭╮ ││││
// 9.00 ┤ │││ │ ││ ╭╮││││
// 8.00 ┤ ╭─╮ │││ │ ╭╯│ ││││││ ╭
// 7.00 ┤ ╭╯ │ │││ │ ╭╯ │ ││││││ │
// 6.00 ┤ │ │ │││ │ ╭╯ │ │╰╯││╰╮ │
// 5.00 ┤ │ │╭╮╭╯││ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │
// 4.00 ┤ │ ││││ ││ │ │ │ │ ││ │ │
// 3.00 ┤ │ ││╰╯ ││ │ │ │ │ ││ ╰╮ │
// 2.00 ┤ │ ││ ││ ╰╮ │ │ │ ╰╯ │ │
// 1.00 ┤ ╭╯ ││ ╰╯ │╭╯ │ │ ╰─╮│
// 0.00 ┼─╯ ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰─╯ ╰╯
square / squareFloat
Generate an array with n-periods of a square/pulse wave function. Optional last arguments set lo and hi range and pulse width. Only setting first range argument sets the low-range to 0.
Alias: squareF
, rect
, rectFloat
, rectF
- {Int+/Array} -> Length of output array (uses length of Array if input)
- {Number/Array} -> Periods of the wave (option, default=1)
- {Number} -> Low range of values (optional, default=0)
- {Number} -> High range of values (optional, default=1)
- {Number} -> Pulse width (optional, default=0.5)
Gen.square(30, 3, -2, 5, 0.8);
//=> 5.00 ┼───────╮ ╭────────╮╭────────╮
// 1.50 ┼ │ │ ││ │
// -2.00 ┤ ╰─╯ ╰╯ ╰
Gen.square(30, 4, 0, 1, 0.2);
//=> 1.00 ┼─╮ ╭─╮ ╭─╮ ╭╮
// 0.00 ┤ ╰─────╯ ╰────╯ ╰─────╯╰─────
// Alias: Gen.rect()
// Frequency Modulation with Gen.sin
Gen.squareFloat(30, Gen.sinF(30, 2, 1, 5));
//=> 1.00 ┼───╮ ╭──╮╭──╮ ╭─╮ ╭─╮ ╭─
// 0.80 ┤ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │
// 0.60 ┤ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │
// 0.40 ┤ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │
// 0.20 ┤ │ │ ││ │ │ │ │ │ │
// 0.00 ┤ ╰─────╯ ╰╯ ╰─╯ ╰──╯ ╰─╯
Generate a binary rhythm from a positive integer number or an array of numbers. Returns the binary value as an array of separated 1’s and 0’s useful for representing rhythmical patterns.
Alias: binary
- {Int+/Array} -> Array of numbers to convert to binary representation
// generate a binary array from a single number
//=> [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]
// use an array of numbers and concatenate binary representations
Gen.binaryBeat([4, 3, 5]);
//=> [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
// negative values are clipped to 0
Gen.binaryBeat([-4, 4]);
//=> [0, 1, 0, 0]
Generate an array of 1’s and 0’s based on a positive integer number or array. Every number in the array will be replaced by a 1 with a specified amount of 0’s appended to it. Eg. a 2 => 1 0, a 4 => 1 0 0 0, etc. This technique is useful to generate a rhythm based on spacing length between onsets
Alias: spacing
, space
- {Int+/Array} -> Array of numbers to convert to spaced rhythm
// generate a rhythm based on numbered spacings
Gen.spacingBeat(2, 3, 2)
//=> [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]
// also works with an array as input
Gen.spacingBeat([4, 2, 0])
//=> [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]