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A minimal and human-readable language and environment for the live coding of algorithmic electronic music.

πŸƒ Quick Start

Hi! Welcome to the Quick Start guide. If you experience any issues with installing or running the code, please have a look in the Tutorial or Troubleshooting sections. This Quick Start guide is meant for people who are confident in working with the computer and have some experience with (creative) coding, music technology and music making.

πŸ’» Install Mercury

Read the system requirements before getting started.

Mercury runs in Max8 (sometimes also called MaxMSP), a node-based creative coding environment from Cycling’74. You do not need to buy a Max-license in order to use Mercury! 😎

  1. Download Max8 through any of the links below.
  1. Launch Max8 after installing. It will create a Max 8 folder in your Documents. In there you may create a folder named Projects. The full path should now look like this: <User>/Documents/Max 8/Projects

  2. Download the latest release of Mercury

     Download latest release and unzip entire folder in ~/Documents/Max 8/Projects

    Or for git-users you can clone/fork Mercury to the Projects folder in your Documents.

     $ cd ~/Documents/Max\ 8/Projects
     $ git clone

    Now your filepath should look something like: <User>/Documents/Max 8/Projects/mercury-v.x.x.x

πŸš€ Launch Mercury

Launch Mercury by double clicking mercury_ide.maxproj located in the folder mercury-v.x.x.x/mercury-ide or by running the following terminal command:

$ cd mercury
$ open mercury_ide/mercury_ide.maxproj

You can create a shortcut or alias on your desktop or Applications folder.

In the _mercury_main window:

In the mercury code editor:

You are now ready to start coding your first sounds! πŸŽΆπŸ’»πŸŽΆ

🎲 Play!

Go ahead and play all you want! For further information see:

⚠ Troubleshooting

🚧 If you experience any issues, please see the Troubleshooting 🚧